Magtakutan Tayo: 5 Haunted Places in the Philippines That You Can Visit

Olivia Barredo

November 8, 2022

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The Philippines is best known for its beautiful sights and thrilling activities - it's also known for its rich history that paved the way for the many landmarks that we see today. Tourists flock to the country to experience its beauty and wonder while others come to pay respects to its history and culture. 


Apart from that, the country is also best known for some of the most haunted places in the world - haunted enough for it to be featured in shows including National Geographic's "I Wouldn't Go In There". 


In this article, Tara PH pays homage to the haunted landmarks in the Philippines, their origins, and how they came to be known as some of the most haunted sites in the country.


5 Haunted Locations in the Philippines That You Can Visit


Whether you're looking for some thrill or genuinely curious about these locations, you might want to bring some friends with you - especially if you're planning to explore them. 


However, due to the age of some of these sites and the danger that comes with their old age, we advise that you exercise extreme caution if you plan to visit them. Also, if a guide is available, we recommend that you explore with a guide just to be safe. 


Diplomat Hotel


Diplomat Hotel was built in 1915 as the Dominican Vacation House - a vacation house for the nuns and priests of the Dominican Order. It would serve that purpose until the eve of World War II when it was invaded by the Japanese forces who turned it into a headquarters and garrison. The Kempeitai, the secret police of the Japanese Imperial Army, was said to have performed cruel acts of violence against the members of the Dominican Order and refugees within the walls of the hotel. 


The Haunting at Old Diplomat Hotel | Baguio - Nomadic ExperiencesImage from Nomadic Experiences


After World War II, Diplomat Hotel was remodeled into the hotel that would become its last design before being fully abandoned in 1987 following the death of Antonio Agpaoa, an entrepreneur, and faith healer. Since then, many who have set foot in Diplomat Hotel report sightings of apparitions, wailing, and on rare occasions, possessions. Many have tried to debunk the ghost stories at Diplomat Hotel but there are too many stories of ghosts in the area that it is sometimes impossible to tell which one is true. Regardless, just setting foot within the premises would send a chill up your spine. 


Clark Airbase Hospital


Clark Airbase Hospital, otherwise known as the Clark Abandoned Hospital, is one of the most famous haunts in the country. Because of its fame, it's been featured in two international shows namely National Geographic's "I Wouldn't Go In There" and Sci-Fi's "Ghost Hunters International". 


Ghost of The Old Clark Airbase Hospital, Philippines - Amy's CryptImage from Amy's Crypt


The 200-bed hospital was originally built by the United States Air Force and was envisioned to be a modern regional military facility. The hospital was used to nurse the casualties of the Vietnam War and was hailed as one of the most advanced medical facilities in the region at the time. However, the hospital was left abandoned after the 1991 Mount Pinatubo Eruption. 


Some of the stories that come out of the hospital include whispers and screams. The most extreme ghost story that would come from the hospital would be that of violent spirits throwing items at those who dare to enter the premises. These days, a permit from the CDC is required to visit the abandoned hospital as it is off-limits to visitors.


Malinta Tunnel


During World War II, Corregidor Island's Malinta Tunnel was a strategic location. It was used by both the Japanese and American forces at differing times; because of this, the island was witness to a terrible amount of death and bloodshed. While there have been reported sightings around the island, Malinta Tunnel, specifically, is where most of these hauntings occur. 


Malinta Tunnel - What To Know BEFORE You Go | ViatorImage from Traces of War


Throughout its existence, Malinta Tunnel has been used as a military storage unit, bomb shelter, office, living space, and a hospital. Because of the nature of its existence, the tunnel has seen a great deal of death because of the instances that occurred during the war. 


The hauntings in Malinta Tunnel include various poltergeist activities, sightings of apparitions, and screams of terror across the tunnel. The tunnel is usually part of Corregidor Island tour packages. It helps to ask your tour provider what type of tour they offer at the tunnel as some have overnight packages as well.


Starmall Alabang


When you think of "haunted places" the last that you'll probably think of is a mall but Starmall Alabang proves that to be wrong. The mall, located in the southern part of Metro Manila, was built in the late '90s. But before it was a mall, it was the site of the Alabang Cemetery which sparked rumors that many bodies from the said cemetery were not removed from the site which meant that the mall is built over dead bodies. 


Malls | StarmallImage from Starmall


While the claims of the bodies have never been proven, it's become the basis of many scary stories - the most famous story being that of a young couple who went to the mall to watch a movie. The cinema was jam-packed when they arrived but as soon as the lights turned on when the movie ended, they realized that they were the only ones in the venue.


Maanghit Cave


If you're up for an adventure, Maanghit Cave in Antique is a must-visit for you! Named after the accumulated smell of bat guano in the cave, you'll have to traverse through the cave to see the unique rock formations hidden within the dark crevices of the cave. You will need a guide to be able to access Maanghit Cave as you will need help navigating through it. 


Maanghit Cave - Brgy. Sarapan, Passi City - Iloilo, Philip… | FlickrImage from Experience Iloilo


Contrary to the ghost and apparitions in the first entries of this list, Maanghit Cave spares you from sightings but the terror that you must watch out for are vampiric creatures that reside within the cave. But apart from that, the cave might freak out those who aren't too familiar with spelunking because of the atmosphere in the cave. 


While visiting these sites might be thrilling, we do not advise visiting these locations (apart from, of course, Starmall Alabang as it is an operational commercial establishment) because of the danger that it might bring to those who are brave enough to visit them. You can, of course, visit these sites but do not wander without a guide or a companion as the locations do hold potential dangers to anyone who visits them which include infrastructure damage. 


Nonetheless, if you do get a chance to visit these locations, exercise caution and be careful as to not disturb the spirits of the past that dwell within its walls. Some of the locations have an active ghost and poltergeist activity, hence, it's advised that you do not do anything to disturb those who have made it their final resting place.
